Thursday, June 6, 2013

Neil Gaiman on 'Doctor Who' 12th Doctor: 'I don't want a famous face'

Neil Gaiman on 'Doctor Who' 12th Doctor: 'I don't want a famous face'

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Neil Gaiman has argued that Doctor Who should not cast a big-name star as Matt Smith's replacement.

The actor cast as the 12th Doctor should be "a star waiting to happen", the writer - who has penned two Who episodes - said in a post on his Tumblr blog.

The Doctor (Matt Smith), Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman) & Ha ha (Calvin Dean) in Doctor Who S07E07: 'Nightmare in Silver'
Matt Smith in Neil Gaiman's 'Nightmare in Silver'

"I actually like it when The Doctor is a relatively unknown actor, or one without one huge role that made them famous," he wrote.

"I like to see The Doctor as The Doctor, and an actor who doesn't bring baggage is a grand sort of thing. A star waiting to happen. So I don't want to see Helen Mirren or Sir Ian McKellen or Chiwetel Ejiofor, or any of the famous names people are suggesting.

"I want to see The Doctor. I want to be taken by surprise. I want to squint at a photo of the person online and go, 'But how can that be The Doctor?'

"Then I want to be amazingly, delightedly, completely proven wrong, and, six episodes in, I want to wonder how I could have been so blind. Because this is the Doctor. Of course it is."

'The Name Of The Doctor': The Doctor (Matt Smith) & Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman)
The Doctor & Clara

Mr Selfridge actor Samuel West recently put himself forward as a potential replacement for Smith, while Star Trek's Simon Pegg has stated that he has no interest in the role.

Doctor Who will return to BBC One on Saturday, November 23 for its 50th anniversary special, with Matt Smith's final episode following later in the year.

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